
Wild Grm10 Rec Module Prive

Time life classic soft rock into the night. Wild GIF12 REC-module reader. Valid for the following Wild instruments. Communication between a GRM10 REC Module and an IBM PC or completely. REC MODUL ZA LEICA WILD T1600 REC MODULE FOR LEICA WILD T1600 na prodaju / for sale email: geometarsv@gmail.com mob: +381 69 780 650.

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module) Note that it may be necessary to have a battery installed in the GIF 12. Ensure that no other application is running that could use the parallel port (e.g. Print Manager). Transferring data from the GIF12 Ensure that you have carried out the appropriate steps in the procedure for up to the step for initiating the transfer of the data. You should then have a dialog box on the screen prompting you to 'Select the file to be downloaded' The files available in the GRM10 (REC Module) are displayed in the combo box below the above message.

Conservation No case. Condition in mint condition. The two GRM10 rec modules display 'low battery' (20 years after purchase) Remarks The device comes with an user manual, short instructions, 2 GRM10 rec modules (64k capacity), power cable, 2 RS232 interface cables, one 5.25 inch floppy disk with (MS DOS) software Dates Catalogued in 2011 by JMR. Photo by JMR.

Offering: 2x Wild GIF10 REC module card reader with data cable to the computer and power cable 2x GRM10 64K REC Module fully working condition with min. 8y guarantee NA2002 digital level software v 3.3, 2x new high 1,6 Ah capacity batteries, charger, case LNA2L laser level, new 3,8Ah battery, wall charger, car charder, LPD20 reciver Wild GEB77 original batterys 5 pin connector with new higher capacity cells Anybody having problem with GRM10 Rec module 64K & 16K especially with Error 75,76,79 are welcome to get help. All service and repair to T2000/2002/3000 are also offered.

A dialog box should be displayed asking if the data recorder is ready to receive data. If the GIF12 is connected to the appropriate parallel port of the computer and the GRM10 is in the GIF 12, press the OK button. A further dialog box is displayed asking you to 'Select the file to upload to on the GIF12'. The files available in the GRM10 (REC Module) are displayed in the combo box below the above message. Select the required file and press the OK button to initiate the transfer.

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module) Note that it may be necessary to have a battery installed in the GIF 12. Ensure that no other application is running that could use the parallel port (e.g.

Chapter 9 covers error messages.

Detail Title: Wild GIF10 REC-module reader Publisher: Wild Heerbrugg Classification: User manual Category: G2 354 en Instrument Class: valid for the following Wild instruments: T1000 (6 key, 14 key), TC1000, T1600, TC1600 T1010, TC1010, T1610, TC1610 T2000, TC2000, T2000S T2002, TC2002, T3000 NA2000, NA3000, NA2002, NA3003 Date: X.94 Pages: 56 Language: English The GIF10 is a data transfer unit, which permits data recorded in a REC-module to be transferred to a computer. The GIF10 and the computer communicate over a serial (RS232) interface. Several communication protocols are available and may be defined via the keyboard. The users manual describes the GIF10 hardware, power supply and interface in chapters 2 through 4.

You should then have a dialog box on the screen prompting you to 'Select the file to be downloaded' The files available in the GRM10 (REC Module) are displayed in the combo box below the above message. Libro un mexicano mas de juan sanchez andraka pdf gratis. Select the required file and press the OK button to initiate the transfer. Transferring co-ordinate data to the GIF12 Use the command to put the system in a ready state to send co-ordinates to the GIF12. A dialog box should be displayed asking if the data recorder is ready to receive data. If the GIF12 is connected to the appropriate parallel port of the computer and the GRM10 is in the GIF 12, press the OK button. A further dialog box is displayed asking you to 'Select the file to upload to on the GIF12'. The files available in the GRM10 (REC Module) are displayed in the combo box below the above message.

Several communication protocols are available and may be defined via the keyboard. The users manual describes the GIF10 hardware, power supply and interface in chapters 2 through 4. Software, operation via the keyboard, interface commands, protocols and data formats are covered in chapters 5 through 8. Chapter 9 covers error messages.

Refer to your PCMCIA drive manual for details of these drivers. When using the Field Transfer/Input/Data Recorder or the Field Transfer/Output/Data Recorder commands with a DNA series device selected, ensure that the selection for the Comms Settings Port is correct for your PCMCIA drive. The Input and output operations transfer the data from or to the PCMCIA card in that drive. • Method 2- via a serial port direct from DNA series You must have the instrument connected to the computer via the RS232 serial port. When using the Field Transfer/Input/Data Recorder or the Field Transfer/Output/Data Recorder commands with a DNA series device selected, ensure that the selection for the Comms Settings are the same on the instrument and the computer. The default communications settings are designed to work effectively if the DNA series instruments are as follows. COMS SETTING Port COM1 Baud rate 19200 Word length 8 Parity None Stop bit 1 Input Protocol GSI Output Protocol GSI EOL 10 EOF 26 To set the communications on the DNA.

Conservation No case. Condition in mint condition. The two GRM10 rec modules display 'low battery' (20 years after purchase) Remarks The device comes with an user manual, short instructions, 2 GRM10 rec modules (64k capacity), power cable, 2 RS232 interface cables, one 5.25 inch floppy disk with (MS DOS) software Dates Catalogued in 2011 by JMR. Photo by JMR.

Offering: 2x Wild GIF10 REC module card reader with data cable to the computer and power cable 2x GRM10 64K REC Module fully working condition with min. 8y guarantee NA2002 digital level software v 3.3, 2x new high 1,6 Ah capacity batteries, charger, case LNA2L laser level, new 3,8Ah battery, wall charger, car charder, LPD20 reciver Wild GEB77 original batterys 5 pin connector with new higher capacity cells Anybody having problem with GRM10 Rec module 64K & 16K especially with Error 75,76,79 are welcome to get help. All service and repair to T2000/2002/3000 are also offered.

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module) Note that it may be necessary to have a battery installed in the GIF 12. Ensure that no other application is running that could use the parallel port (e.g. Print Manager). Transferring data from the GIF12 Ensure that you have carried out the appropriate steps in the procedure for up to the step for initiating the transfer of the data. You should then have a dialog box on the screen prompting you to 'Select the file to be downloaded' The files available in the GRM10 (REC Module) are displayed in the combo box below the above message. Select the required file and press the OK button to initiate the transfer.