
Comer C50 Tuning Manually

Comer 50 Carburetor This carburetor is made by Dellorto and is the stock carburetor for the Comer 50 engines. Kid Kart carbs and tuning tend to be the weakness of most teams. There are some basics we can share. These basics should significantly improve the tuning you do throughout the weekend so your jetting is perfect for the main event. A simple and reliable engine for the youngest The C50 is a simple and reliable engine that has been tried and tested on circuits all over the world.

It’s a good idea to know what you are looking for. A well tuned engine will start relatively easy, will accelerate reasonably, and will achieve its top potential rpm on the longest straight away. Always start out the tuning session with a jet size that is presumed to be too big. The way to tell if it is too big is that once the engine is warmed up it will take off well with little or no hesitation but when it gets to half to ¾ of its maximum rpm it will start to “break-up” or miss from the ignitions inability to burn all of the fuel that is in the combustion chamber. The next step is to try the next smaller jet. The engine should rev a little higher before it starts to break up.

This is just a tiny but smaller than a.61mm. So according to the rules you can use a 60 size jet, and actually a large 60 that is just a but smaller than 61.

Promoters have found that the restrictor pill is good for limiting the performance of the Comer C-50 and C-51 engines for inexperienced drivers. Those restrictor pills are very effective at limiting air flow into the engine and there for limiting the power output. These pills present a tuning nightmare for people who don’t know what to expect.

The is the ultimate hop part for your Comer 50. Our MM16 racing carburetor looks just like the stock carb from the outside but the bore is a whopping 2mm larger at 16mm. Dyno tests have shown increases of 1/4hp! This is especially true in the upper RPM range where the power just keeps on pulling. Works great on stock motors as well as full mod outlaw motors and is the perfect fix for those so called 'stock' motors that are continually running away from you.

That variable is the float level. A person with even extensive knowledge of small engine carburetors would say that with the plastic float that these carburetors have that is not possible without some complicated measures. Actually it’s very simple. It’s done by tilting the carburetor on its round mounting spigot. To make the mixture slightly richer, tilt the carburetor toward the side that the plastic fuel inlet strainer cover that the fuel hose attaches to is on. This will have the same effect as lowering the float on a carburetor equipped with a brass float. To effectively raise the float level, making the operation effect leaner, tilt the carburetor away from the fuel inlet strainer.

So you may be standing at sea level, but if it is very hot and very humid, with low pressure, then the air is actual similar to the air you might be in if you were on top of a mountain. Of course on top of a mountain you would use a very lean jet. The effectiveness and simplicity of the Density Altitude usage with jets is so simple it is actually hard to explain. But all you need to know is that you can use Density Altitude to pick the right jet.

This handy aluminum jet holder holds and identifies all of the WKA / IKF legal jet sizes you need from 54 through 58 and is available with or without the jets. CNC machined, polished and engraved, it can be put on a keychain or hung on a wall.

Our MM16 racing carburetor looks just like the stock carb from the outside but the bore is a whopping 2mm larger at 16mm. Dyno tests have shown increases of 1/4hp! This is especially true in the upper RPM range where the power just keeps on pulling.

So I suggest buying a.0260' Pin Gauge. You can throw away any jet you have that this Pin Gauge will poke through. Whatever is left are your legal jets. So order these size Pin Gauges from McMaster: •.0260' - This is your 'no go' jet •.60mm •.59mm •.58mm •.57mm •.56mm •.55mm •.54mm Now you can measure jets until you find jets that fit your pins from.54mm to.60mm, and these will be your jets.

Actually it’s very simple. It’s done by tilting the carburetor on its round mounting spigot.

Sometimes a gas cap vent will lock up essentially locking your fuel supply system so the engine starves of fuel. Make sure your vent is working. The other common reason that makes a carb not work is a bad float needle. The float needle can form a ridge after a while (like a month) and stop working correctly.

The engine should rev a little higher before it starts to break up. Now try the next one and so on. Do that until the engine reaches the highest rpm possible on the straight. You will know you have reached the limit when you try the next smaller jet and the top rpm either does not get higher or even results in a slight drop in top rpm from a too lean condition.

It includes all of the work done above with the addition of cylinder mods with higher compression, piston mods, exhaust mods and our BIG BORE 16mm carburetor. This service will really make you motor rip but can only be used at tracks with no rules or just to cheat along with the cheaters. Description SKU # Price Comer 50 Legal BP/ Dyno Service C50BP $299.95 Comer 50 Outlaw BP / Dyno Service C50MODBP $399.95 Comer 50 Std.

If these basics are covered and it is acting funny there are a few things to look for. One is your gas cap, is the vent working in it? Sometimes a gas cap vent will lock up essentially locking your fuel supply system so the engine starves of fuel. Make sure your vent is working.

Guess what, it probably is! This situation is not very likely at high elevations, but racers at lower elevations will run into this. I know I have, at lot, and I do most of my testing at an elevation around 1000 ft above sea level.

Some of this fuel spills down through the choke lever hole and causes an overly rich condition and a drop in rpm and inconsistent high rpm operation. Really bad carburetors do this a lot. Ok carburetors percolate a little but don’t have a big effect on performance and really good carburetors don’t percolate at all.

Now, how do you use them? Tuners like to monitor all sorts of environmental factors when evaluating which jet to use. Some by temp, some by humidity, some people just say 'the air feels heavy today'. This is all great but there is only one true measurement that takes everything into account and is a consistent means by which to tune.

The actual venturi in the carburetor becomes much less effective and consequently does not work very efficiently so very large jets are needed to compensate for the lack of efficiency. Quite often, when tuning a Comer C-50/51 with a restrictor, the tuner will find that even with the 58 jet, the biggest that stock class rules allows, seems to be too lean.

The aftermarket fabric air filters, regardless of brand, flow a lot more air that the stock plastic filters with the foam element. By all means, use them if the rules allow.

The basics - The Kid Kart carb made by Dellorto is a very simply float style carb. It has very few parts. Tuning it consists of changing the jets and that is about it. You'll read all sorts of internet lore about tilting it one way or another, or spacing it off the engine on the manifold a quarter inch or so, etc.

OUTLAW Engine Blueprinting Service: This is a 'no holds barred' type of engine service. It includes all of the work done above with the addition of cylinder mods with higher compression, piston mods, exhaust mods and our BIG BORE 16mm carburetor. This service will really make you motor rip but can only be used at tracks with no rules or just to cheat along with the cheaters. Description SKU # Price Comer 50 Legal BP/ Dyno Service C50BP $299.95 Comer 50 Outlaw BP / Dyno Service C50MODBP $399.95 Comer 50 Std.

Have those jets ready when you need them! We have by far the best price around on Comer 50 replacement Jets and Carburetor parts. Comer Jet Holder JETHOLDER $19.95 Comer Jet Holder with 5 Jets JETHOLDER-5 $49.95 Comer Replacement Jets 54/55/56/57/58 COMERJET $6.95ea. MORE COMER 50 PARTS! PLEASE CALL TO ORDER; 239-673-9410 MAXIMA RACING 2 CYCLE CASTOR OIL $12.95/PT. $19.95/LITRE UNI-POD HIGH FLOW FOAM CLAMP-ON TYPE AIR FILTER $22.95 K+N HIGH-FLOW CLAMP-ON TYPE AIR FILTER $59.95 DOUGLAS 3.25' ALUMINUM SKINNY WHEELS $44.95 EA. EXTRON LIGHTWEIGHT COMPOSITE 89T REAR SPROCKETS $39.95 EA. Ptet counselling serial number.


You'll want it bone dry come race day. It is a good idea to have several of them all with this treatment and switch them out over the course of a race weekend. This sums up carb treatment.


One way to test for too lean is to put the choke on a little bit. If running the engine with the choke on improves performance even a little, the jet is too small. Running an engine too lean can cause severe damage to your engine. Just right= starts easily, accelerates well from a dead start, revs to full rpm without missing. The air filter makes a huge difference.

Don't worry about any of this. Here is what you do need to worry about. And I will cover all of these things in detail below: • Keep it clean, there is nothing worse than some debris in the carb affecting performance. It is a good idea to take it apart and clean it before every important session like qualifying, heat races and finals. • Jet it properly - we'll discuss this in detail below, but make sure you have an appropriate jet for the conditions • Have it secured - so many people forget to tighten the retaining bolt and the carb falls off.

Rieken's Racing: Comer C50-C51 Parts - OUT2WIN.COM COMER C50 - C51 ENGINE PARTS Comer C50 Parts Part# 'C51-001' Starter Assy.

It is for that reason that different size jets should be and are available. When testing to see if you have the correct jet, the engine must be operated with a load similar to that which it will encounter on the race track. Starting an engine mounted on a kart on a stand with the wheels off of the ground is not even close to the best way to test the jet size. Too many new racers will run their karts on a stand and run them at full throttle while watching their tachometer to see what rpm it reaches. They will then incrementally try the next smaller, then the next smaller jet and so on to get the highest rpm possible. The problem with that method is that although the tuner can get the engine to scream that way with no load, it will not be able to accelerate very quickly when the wheels are on the ground and if it does manage to get up to speed it will most likely severely overheat and possibly severely damage the engine as a result.

Those that don’t percolate at all are rare but are the ones that are desired. I have yet to figure out why this condition occurs even though I have thoroughly examined both “good” and “bad” carburetors and can’t visually find the difference. After making sure that your carburetor is in good shape and everything is functioning as it should the only thing left to do is make sure that it is fitted with the correct jet for your application.

C50carb.html Kid Kart Tech Tip Tuning the SHA Dellorto Carburetor Found on Comer C-50 and C-51 Engines No single tuning variable makes more difference in the performance of the Comer C-50 and C-51 engine than getting the carburetor tuned just right. Actually that’s true for tuning just about any engine but especially the tiny Comer engine, which has found its way onto kid karts the world over, since it has such a limited power potential to begin with. In one sense the carburetor has a relatively straight forward task to perform; to supply a properly measured mixture of fuel and air to the engine. As far as carburetors go the SHA series Dellorto carburetor that Comer selected is as simple as float style carburetors get.

First, did you know that the stamped number on top of a jet is practically meaningless? I honestly don't even know why they bother stamping them, they are rarely accurate. So what do you do? You buy a, then you go to. What are pin gauges?

Running an engine too lean can cause severe damage to your engine. Just right= starts easily, accelerates well from a dead start, revs to full rpm without missing. The air filter makes a huge difference. The aftermarket fabric air filters, regardless of brand, flow a lot more air that the stock plastic filters with the foam element.

This is a good method to adjust the carburetor on race days to tweek for varying weather conditions. For those racers who race at tracks that have very few rules regarding the kid kart class, our outlaw carburetors WILL provide better performance. I have developed a set of modifications that dramatically increase the flow of air through these carburetors. I won’t describe those modifications here because I worked very hard to develop them and I don’t want to give that information away to competing engine builders. I also will not build a carburetor for someone and ship it off to a customer by itself.

Comer C50 Tuning Manual

I have run in to cases where the only tuning variable left that worked was to simply replace the carburetor with a new one and start over. What I find most intriguing is that after all was said and done, if you were to place the two stripped carburetor bodies side by side it would be very difficult to tell which was the good one and which the bad. When trying to determine if you have a good carburetor or a bad one, make sure that the basic parts are performing properly. For instance, if the fuel leaks from the carburetor when the engine is just sitting around, there is a very good possibility that the float is leaking making it sink to the bottom of the float bowl holding the inlet needle valve open so that fuel constantly runs through the carburetor. More likely than that the rubber tip on the inlet needle valve could be damaged and even more likely there could be debris stuck in the small hole that the rubber tip of the inlet needle valve fits into. Other than making sure that all of the vent and fuel passage holes are clear there is little else that can malfunction other than obviously broken and cracked pieces.

If these basics are covered and it is acting funny there are a few things to look for. One is your gas cap, is the vent working in it? Sometimes a gas cap vent will lock up essentially locking your fuel supply system so the engine starves of fuel. Make sure your vent is working. The other common reason that makes a carb not work is a bad float needle.

First, did you know that the stamped number on top of a jet is practically meaningless? I honestly don't even know why they bother stamping them, they are rarely accurate. So what do you do? You buy a, then you go to. What are pin gauges? These are basically little pins in various sizes you poke through the jet to figure out it's exact size. WKA and Kid Kart Nationals use a 'No Go' size of.0260'.

Great for adding that needed boost when visiting no rules tracks and then you can easily switch back to your stock carburetor for legal tracks. Includes complete carburetor ready to bolt on and 2 main jets to help you get dialed in for your weather. ( not WKA/IKF Stock Legal) We also have the best price around on genuine Stock bore legal carbs blueprinted to WKA/IKF specs. Many top class champs run Midwest Mini BP Carburetors! Comer 16mm Racing Carburetor MM16CARB $149.95 Comer Blueprinted Stock Carburetor BPCARB $129.95 MIDWEST MINI 5 PIECE JET HOLDER AND REPLACEMENT JETS.

I hope this article has shed some light on the mysteries of tuning the Dellorto carburetor found on the Comer C50/51 engines. I am interested in learning if this is helpful to the reader. Please e-mail.

All in all, if you follow the tips in this manual and use these parts, you will be faster.for under $50.00! Comer 50 Manual Package C50MANUAL $49.95 MIDWEST MINI 16MM RACING CARBURETOR - INCREDIBLE RECENT DYNO RESULTS! LEGAL STOCK MOTORS @2.4HP OUTLAW MOTORS @2.8HP - AMAZING!! INSTANT BOLT ON HP! The is the ultimate hop part for your Comer 50. Our MM16 racing carburetor looks just like the stock carb from the outside but the bore is a whopping 2mm larger at 16mm. Dyno tests have shown increases of 1/4hp!

Kid Kart carbs and tuning tend to be the weakness of most teams. There are some basics we can share. These basics should significantly improve the tuning you do throughout the weekend so your jetting is perfect for the main event.

But all you need to know is that you can use Density Altitude to pick the right jet. You'll need to make up your own chart, but it will look something like this: • Altitude = Negative 1500' = 60 Jet • Altitude = Negative 500' = 59 Jet • Altitude = 0' = 58 Jet • Altitude = 500' = 57 Jet • Altitude = 1500' = 56 Jet • Altitude = 2500' = 55 Jet • Altitude = 3500' = 54 Jet Of course there are other factors. The main one is track type. A track with elevation changes may need to be jetted a little rich to get up the hills better. But otherwise once you make your chart based on your own testing, and use Density Altitude you should be almost right on the money every time with jetting. So how do you get 'Density Altitude'?

So what do you do? You buy a, then you go to. What are pin gauges? These are basically little pins in various sizes you poke through the jet to figure out it's exact size. WKA and Kid Kart Nationals use a 'No Go' size of.0260'.

You can turn it upside down at this point to drain out the excess gas. Next you will remove the two screws holding the black bowl at the bottom.

Don't oil it. Clean it out a few nights before you race with brake cleaner. Clean the inside and the outside. Then use an air nozzle to dry it out.

This is just a tiny but smaller than a.61mm. So according to the rules you can use a 60 size jet, and actually a large 60 that is just a but smaller than 61. So I suggest buying a.0260' Pin Gauge.

To make the mixture slightly richer, tilt the carburetor toward the side that the plastic fuel inlet strainer cover that the fuel hose attaches to is on. This will have the same effect as lowering the float on a carburetor equipped with a brass float. To effectively raise the float level, making the operation effect leaner, tilt the carburetor away from the fuel inlet strainer. Please note that this is a very fine tuning measure.

Have those jets ready when you need them! We have by far the best price around on Comer 50 replacement Jets and Carburetor parts. Comer Jet Holder JETHOLDER $19.95 Comer Jet Holder with 5 Jets JETHOLDER-5 $49.95 Comer Replacement Jets 54/55/56/57/58 COMERJET $6.95ea.

The other common reason that makes a carb not work is a bad float needle. The float needle can form a ridge after a while (like a month) and stop working correctly. This is a good item to replace regularly. Finally, check the internal filter screen on the carb for debris.

We will also cc the combustion chamber to be sure that the volume set at the minimum legal limit. After reassembly your precision built engine is tested on our Precision Engine Dyno. This service includes break in, jetting changes and adjustments to get maximum power from your engine. You get the printed read out with all the crucial settings documented for your reference. You will also get our special tuning and tip manual to help make your kart faster. A $50.00 value! Price includes all parts and labor Turn around time: Just 1-3 days from receipt of your engine and it will be ready to ship back out. Blueprinted Clutch Clutch Service: We can modify your clutch for that race winning edge! OUTLAW Engine Blueprinting Service: This is a 'no holds barred' type of engine service. It includes all of the work done above with the addition of cylinder mods with higher compression, piston mods, exhaust mods and our BIG BORE 16mm carburetor.